Baptême d'impro

Accessible à tous, gratuit
et sans engagement !
Tous les vendredis soir
à l'école Improvidence.

Je me lance

Accessible à tous, gratuit
et sans engagement !
Cours hebdomadaires,
à l'école Improvidence.

Je me lance

Accessible à tous, gratuit
et sans engagement !
Cours hebdomadaires,
à l'école Improvidence.

Je me lance
Retour à l’agenda

Représentations :

jeu. 24 août 2023 - 20h30
Lieu Lyon
Durée 1h
Tarifs Tarif plein 18 € - Tarif abonné 10€ - Sur place, règlement CB uniquement
Improvisation Théâtre Improvisation Lyon Theatre Improvisation Bordeauxdeclarations_dimpro_affiche

Woman Up !
Hila di Castro

Hovering over a public toilet seat while keeping your pants from touching the floor, wearing another pair of underwear over your stockings to keep them from sliding down, being sexually harassed, coughing over your farts to cover the sound, keeping business as usual even while hurting from period pain, allowing someone to help you carry your suitcase up the stairs, feeling your baby kick in your womb… These are only some of our experiences as women in this world. The kind of things women talk about behind closed doors, (if they even talk about them at all...) and the kind of experiences we rarely see on stage. Until now ! In this show everything will be out in the open - all the funny, painful, scary, icky and powerful moments we experience as women, alone and together. How does it feel to be a woman on this planet? Come watch the show!

Découvrez la programmation complète du festival LYON IMPROV FEST

Avis spectateurs sur Woman Up !