Baptême d'impro

Accessible à tous, gratuit
et sans engagement !
Tous les vendredis soir
à l'école Improvidence.

Je me lance

Accessible à tous, gratuit
et sans engagement !
Cours hebdomadaires,
à l'école Improvidence.

Je me lance

Accessible à tous, gratuit
et sans engagement !
Cours hebdomadaires,
à l'école Improvidence.

Je me lance
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Représentations :

jeu. 24 août 2023 - 19h15
Lieu Lyon
Durée 1h
Tarifs Tarif plein 18 € - Tarif abonné 10€ - Sur place, règlement CB uniquement
Improvisation Théâtre Improvisation Lyon Theatre Improvisation Bordeauxdeclarations_dimpro_affiche

Cookbook + Living.Dying.Dead

19:15 - Cookbook - Tom Tollenaere

It's time to stir the pot and offer up some ingredients to "Cookbook," the unscripted one-person performance piece by Tom Tollenaere. The audience adds the ingredients and Tom's brain cooks up a feast of characters, concepts, dialogues, scenes, music, songs and choreography, all made up on the spot. It will make sense when it does, even if only in the darkest recesses of his own mind. Disclaimer: there's no money back guarantee if the promise of choreography isn't realized. There are especially no refunds if it does.

19:45 - Living. Dying. Dead - Playing Dead Theatre

The concept of the show is to use improvisation to provide an honest, open and enquiring look at how death can affect people, while still being an entertaining and engaging show. Spontaneous theatre is ideal for the subject matter because the cast and the audience are responding honestly to difficult situations that are often avoided. This allows for moving relationships, unexpected humour and moments of visceral response to be found together and all this is based on questions specifically asked by the audience. The show opens with a character receiving a diagnosis of an incurable problem. We follow this character - as well as their family and friends as they respond to this situation. We also see life before this moment and after the characters death to fully explore life, dying, and how we respond to death.

Avis spectateurs sur Cookbook + Living.Dying.Dead