Baptême d'impro

Accessible à tous, gratuit
et sans engagement !
Tous les vendredis soir
à l'école Improvidence.

Je me lance

Accessible à tous, gratuit
et sans engagement !
Cours hebdomadaires,
à l'école Improvidence.

Je me lance

Accessible à tous, gratuit
et sans engagement !
Cours hebdomadaires,
à l'école Improvidence.

Je me lance
Retour à l’agenda

Représentations :

mer. 23 août 2023 - 18h00
Lieu Lyon
Durée 1h
Tarifs Tarif plein 18 € - Tarif abonné 10€ - Sur place, règlement CB uniquement
Improvisation Théâtre Improvisation Lyon Theatre Improvisation Bordeauxdeclarations_dimpro_affiche

3 Stories + Strings

18:00 - 3 stories - Pan and Gian

One show, 2 actors, 3 different stories. In this improv comedy show, Pan and Gian, along with the help of the audience, are going to create 3 different stories from scratch, all inspired by the concept of “journey”. These stories, although different at the beginning, in the end will become one with all the characters and the relationships coming together on a single “journey”.

18:30 - Strings - ImPresent

Infinite possibilities open up in front of our eyes when two clowns take the stage and improvise. These two clowns look for the poetic and the ridiculous in a show full of movement, music, and madness. Dressed in truth and authenticity, they create a poetic world where reality and imagination lose their boundaries, transcending the limits of the stage and themselves, breaking the fourth wall, and making the audience part of the show. Imaginary worlds, full of fantasy and metaphor, are created on stage together with the audience, connecting us all... like strings.

Découvrez la programmation complète du festival LYON IMPROV FEST

Avis spectateurs sur 3 Stories + Strings