Baptême d'impro

Accessible à tous, gratuit
et sans engagement !
Tous les vendredis soir
à l'école Improvidence.

Je me lance

Accessible à tous, gratuit
et sans engagement !
Cours hebdomadaires,
à l'école Improvidence.

Je me lance

Accessible à tous, gratuit
et sans engagement !
Cours hebdomadaires,
à l'école Improvidence.

Je me lance
Retour à l’agenda

Représentations :

mar. 22 août 2023 - 19h15
Lieu Lyon
Durée 1H
Tarifs Tarif plein 18 € - Tarif abonné 10€ - Sur place, règlement CB uniquement
Improvisation Théâtre Improvisation Lyon Theatre Improvisation Bordeauxdeclarations_dimpro_affiche

Improv in Gibberish + What ever fate decides

19:15 - Improv in Gibberish - Improteater IMPEERIUM

This is what happens if you mix clown, mime, silent movies and commedia dell´arte. No knowledge of any language is necessary.

19:45 - Whatever Fate Decides - Whatever Fate Decides

Whatever Fate Decides centers around our shared connection to each other and the unseen world. We have an invited guest join us on stage. We then use the Tarot and improvisation together with that person's questions that they want to ask the show about their life. Our invited guest can be anyone open to having their Tarot cards read on stage. As we move toward the Future, our guest gets to both see the future as it stands and is given the power to change it if they want to. This way, our guest can potentially alter their own future or change aspects of their own life in the show.

Découvrez la programmation complète du festival LYON IMPROV FEST

Avis spectateurs sur Improv in Gibberish + What ever fate decides